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Soumya2411's github profile

An app hor helping students to visualise programming concepts

Exchange Rate Converter Extension

crocmons's github profile

This is an Exchange Rate Converter Chrome Extension where anyone can convert their currency


pavitrachavda97's github profile

The shipment booking website is a platform that allows users to book shipments for their products or goods.


coder12git's github profile

Skin cancer detection from your skin images.

Anime Web

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project is based on VueJs and uses scss as stylesheet. It uses the unique data passing between child and parent component. It uses REST API as data source to display images and GIFs related to your search with search customization.

Motivational Quote

prachisingh1008's github profile

It displays a new page with a visually engaging background image of nature and displaying motivational quotes. This helps to create a more pleasant and inspiring environment for users when they open a new tab.

Portfolio site

Ks103's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website connect with me. Let's make this contribution journey more far by connecting with each other. #Happy Learning

Navbar using Pure reactjs

MisterMickey's github profile

Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX

JAVA Programs

akkshayTandon's github profile

This repository contains some useful JAVA programs and projects, each categorized, which can help the college students.

Personal Portfolio Using threejs

kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website made using ThreeJs and Vite + reactjs